Here are some of my projects:

Click on project to view info and source code

Apartment Reservation - Web Application

A .NET Web-Application for clients about making online reservations for apartments, and at the same time the owner views and manages all the submitted reservations in real time if he has the admin privilege.

Weather Web Application

Real time weather application, with a coverage of API calls for weather forecast. Used bootstrap for styling

VueTube - Alternative YouTube Frontend

Basically YouTube with alternative frontend. Using YouTube Data API v3 for the data

Music E-Shop

Django Web-App for making orders by clients. Each order has its Customer and Receipt, and all the products added in cart.

Logo Designs

Here are some of my logo designs I made for a few companies

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Online game developed using JavaScript

Portfolio Website

The actual website you are currently on

Apartment Reservation - Web Application

  A .NET Desktop Web-Application for clients about making online reservations for apartments, and at the same time the owner views and manages all the submitted reservations in real time if he has the admin privilege.

▸ ASP MVC based, while using C# for managing the database. For the frontend I used only HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

▸ This project is a solution for a company that needed online reservation system for customers.

▸ It has the capabilities of making, storing and manipulating with reservations made by the clients. There are several views on the Web-app: The home page - where are shown basic information about the Prespa Lake and the apartments, Make a reservation, Show all reservations (only admin privileges), About us, and the Contact page.

Weather Web Application

  A client side Weather Application
▸ for the forecast API Calls
▸ for the news on the site

VueTube - Alternative YouTube Frontend

  Alternative frontend for youtube using vannila JavaScript
▸ YouTube Data API v3 for YT data
▸ PouchDb for user cache

Music E-Shop

  Django Web Application, .

▸ Python 3.10 based, using SQLite the database.

▸ This project is a solution for a company that needed online shop system for customers.

▸ It has the capabilities of making, storing and manipulating with orders made by the clients. There are several views on the Web-app: The home page, Categories, About us, and the Contact page.

Logo Designs

  Various designs of logos for websites or billboards.
▸ Mainly I use Adobe Photoshop, but for some vector images Canva has a variety of choises.
▸ Here are a few of them I used in my projects or for commercial use:

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

  An online classic game developed only by using JavaScript

Portfolio Website

  Pretty much everything I learned from the courses of Web-Design and Design of User Interface is put into one place here.
Made easily accesible for desktop and mobile view.
▸ JavaScript (jQuery Library)